Hass Triptychon


Written by

Sibylle Berg


Ersan Mondtag

Music / Composition

Beni Brachtel

Stage design

Nina Peller


Teresa Vergho

Musical rehearsal

Lukas Rabe

Sound design

Max Lange


Ludwig Haugk


Bruno Cathomas, Benny Claessens, Jonas Grunder-Culeman, Johannes Meier, Abak Safaei-Rad, Aram Tafreshian, Çiğdem Teke

They live on a motorway slip road, digitally isolated, painstakingly kept in shape by off-the-peg clothes. They don't have much to say to themselves or to others, the memories aren't worth mentioning, the future certainly isn't and the conversation with the children, cats and neighbours has long since broken off.

The homo europaeus of all genders and ages in Sibylle Berg's new play is stuck in the holding pattern of automatically answering questions. But there are ways out of the crisis! Berg places a society in a psychotectonic precarious state on her therapist's couch. His name is "Hassmaster", and in three lyrical wing beats he leads his subjects from the anamnesis of dreariness, through the realisation of anger, to the solution of all problems. In a co-production with the Wiener Festwochen, Ersan Mondtag stages Berg's bitter farce as a singspiel with compositions by Beni Brachtel and Benny Claessens as the Dark Angel of group therapy.

Photo credit: Judith Buss


24. May 2019 – 24. February 2020