
Trailer Baal
Director, stage design, costumes
Ersan Mondtag
Annika Lu
Cooperation Stage Design
Marcel Teske
Eva Jantschitsch
Choral Direction
Jonas Grundner-Culemann
Max Doehlemann
Lighting Design
Ulrich Eh
Artistic Consulting
Clara Topic-Matutin
Bahadir Hamdemir
Stephanie Reinsperger
Kate Strong
Mech, Hauswirtin, Gendarm 1
Veit Schubert
Pschierer, Lupu, Watzmann
Paul Zichner
Dr. Piller, Doktor
Peter Luppa
Kellnerin Luise, Der Geistliche
Owen Peter Read
Johanna, Claude
Emma Lotta Wegner
mtsbote, Die jüngere Schwester
Marc Benner / Torben Appel
Kellnerin Marie, Sophie
Jasha Eliah Deppe / Yanina Cerón
Emilie Mech, Der Klavierspieler, Gendarm 2
Anna Sophie Schindler
Johannes und Mutter
Pauline Knof / Judith Engel
Die ältere Schwester, Ein junges Weib, Soubrette
Jonas Grundner-Culemann
Horgauer, John
Johannes Meier
Bertolt Brecht's expressive stage ballad Baal tells of the life of an artist – wandering between genius and madness.
It is named after the Syrian fertility god, whose image hung above the bed of the precocious playwright in the Augsburg attic. Obsessed with a panicked desire for happiness, Baal lives a life entirely under the sign of art, which leaves little (intermediate) human space between intoxication and crash. Baal's behavior and life path violated the moral and social norms of his time – and not just these. In his interpretation, Ersan Mondtag deals with the question of our lowest common denominator, of respect and solidarity – and of the possibility and necessity of an encounter on an equal level from person to person.
Photocredit: Florian Seufert
06. September 2019 – 02. February 2020